Author: ionut_d

How to bypass YouTube adblocker check

The solution is a combo of Firefox+uBlock Origin plugin with some twiking. This is the plugin you need: and add in Setting of the plugin in My Filters the following code:, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) If it is still not working, also…

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Traficul la frontiere – verificare timp de asteptare online

Pentru consultarea traficului la frontiere Poliția de Frontieră pune la dispoziție pe siteul său un tool unde puteți verifica timpul estimativ de așteptare. Link-ul aici:

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10 Great Reasons To Ride Motorcycles

10. Riding A Motorcycle Saves Time 9. Riding A Motorcycle Saves Money 8. Riding Helps With Your Fitness 7. Beneficial To Your Mental Health 6. On A Motorcycle You’ll Meet People 5. It Is Better For The Environment 4. Riding A Motorcycle Is A Big Thrill 3. Adventure Is Never…

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Homeassistant – change IP address in CLI – nmcli

I am using now for more than 1 year Homeassistant, installed on a RasberryPi, to manage all the smart devices in my home in a unique platform instead of using each device application. …and not only on my home. Recently I implemented this solution in the new DataCenter of my…

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ISPConfig3 – Postfix Improvement

I am using ISPConfig for years now. It is a good management software for hosting servers. Not as good and stuffy as CPanel, but it will do the job. Because we don’t have MailScanner out-of-box in ISPConfig and because I don’t want to configure it manually for all the websites,…

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Fun with Linux Terminal

Linux terminal doesn’t need to be boring. There are some things that you can do just for fun. 1. Change the PS1 root@ionutd:~# export PS1=” ” 2. The “sl” command Many linux guys, in a fast typing fever, are writing sl instead of ls Install the sl package from…

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02.02.2022 02:02

O dată și o oră cu mulți de 0 și 2 🙂

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cafea papa jaques

Cafea Papa Jacques

Într-o altă postare am adunat câteva sfaturi legate de cafea și aparate de cafea și promiteam că o să revin cu o recomandare de cafea bună. Here it is: Este o recomandare primită la rându-mi de la un coleg care pleacă cu aparatul de cafea după el în concediu. Un…

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#3devineri – 19 noiembrie 2021

1. Un cal a petrecut într-un apartament cu prietenii săi oameni. 2. Cum dai foc la 3000 de euro de frica Covid. Ne învață o femeie din Israel. 3. România, țara care a inventat “ruleta premierească”

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