Category: Linux


Homeassistant – change IP address in CLI – nmcli

I am using now for more than 1 year Homeassistant, installed on a RasberryPi, to manage all the smart devices in my home in a unique platform instead of using each device application. …and not only on my home. Recently I implemented this solution in the new DataCenter of my…

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ISPConfig3 – Postfix Improvement

I am using ISPConfig for years now. It is a good management software for hosting servers. Not as good and stuffy as CPanel, but it will do the job. Because we don’t have MailScanner out-of-box in ISPConfig and because I don’t want to configure it manually for all the websites,…

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Fun with Linux Terminal

Linux terminal doesn’t need to be boring. There are some things that you can do just for fun. 1. Change the PS1 root@ionutd:~# export PS1=” ” 2. The “sl” command Many linux guys, in a fast typing fever, are writing sl instead of ls Install the sl package from…

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RaspberryPi – USB SSD boot – howto and troubleshooting

By default, the latest versions of bootloaders for RaspeberryPi 4 can boot directly on USB without a presence of a SDCard. You can just “burn” the image on the USB external storage and boot it up. The thing is that it is booting without any problems on HDD but it…

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linux logo

init 0 init 1 init 2 init 3 init 4 init 5 init 6

În linux sunt 8 “runlevels” sau în romgliș, inituri. Fără prea multe introduceri, here they are: init 0 – shutdown (acceseaza /etc/rc0.d/* scripts și halt) init 1 – single user mode sau emergency mode – fără network, fără multitasking init 2 – fără network, cu multitasking init 3 – cu…

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linx mint logo

How to change Linux Mint boot logo

…or any other Linux. For Mint, go to /usr/share/plymouth/themes/mint-logo and replace the image with your custom one After that run: sudo update-initramfs -u Reboot and enjoy!

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Cubieboard – flash NAND from Linux

To install the operation system on a Cubieboard using your linux computer follow the next tutorial: From a terminal: cd mkdir LiveSuite git clone cd LiveSuite/sunxi-livesuite/ Optional: less README sudo apt-get install dkms cd /LiveSuite/awusb/ sudo make Add module: sudo insmod awusb.ko Run LiveSuite with elevated suppoer: cd LiveSuite/sunxi-livesuite/…

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linux mint

Am trecut pe Linux Mint

De-alungul timpului am folosit pentru office use cateva distribuții de Linux. La început, pentru că eram fan RHeL/CentOS, alegerea evidentă era Fedora. După ceva ani am trecut pe Debian din motive de serviciu și a început să îmi placă. Prin urmare, din motive evidente, prima alegere pentru înlocuitorul Fedorei a…

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Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick

A aparut acum 2 saptamani cred. Am facut upgrade pe un laptop. Acasa il am instalat prin Wubi, acel softulet care iti permite sa il instalezi din windows intr-un director din windows si merge la fel de ok. Detalii aici Uite si 2 link-uri pentru wubi, pentru ca nu a…

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Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid

A aparut Long Term Support-ul 10.04, 3 ani pt desktop si 5 ani pentru server version. Info suplimentare si download pe Eu fac acum un upgrade si saptamana care vine o sa il pun “pe curat”

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