How to bypass YouTube adblocker check
The solution is a combo of Firefox+uBlock Origin plugin with some twiking. This is the plugin you need: and add in Setting of the plugin in My Filters the following code:, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) If it is still not working, also…
Traficul la frontiere – verificare timp de asteptare online
Pentru consultarea traficului la frontiere Poliția de Frontieră pune la dispoziție pe siteul său un tool unde puteți verifica timpul estimativ de așteptare. Link-ul aici:
10 Great Reasons To Ride Motorcycles
10. Riding A Motorcycle Saves Time 9. Riding A Motorcycle Saves Money 8. Riding Helps With Your Fitness 7. Beneficial To Your Mental Health 6. On A Motorcycle You’ll Meet People 5. It Is Better For The Environment 4. Riding A Motorcycle Is A Big Thrill 3. Adventure Is Never…
Homeassistant – change IP address in CLI – nmcli
I am using now for more than 1 year Homeassistant, installed on a RasberryPi, to manage all the smart devices in my home in a unique platform instead of using each device application. …and not only on my home. Recently I implemented this solution in the new DataCenter of my…
ISPConfig3 – Postfix Improvement
I am using ISPConfig for years now. It is a good management software for hosting servers. Not as good and stuffy as CPanel, but it will do the job. Because we don’t have MailScanner out-of-box in ISPConfig and because I don’t want to configure it manually for all the websites,…
Fun with Linux Terminal
Linux terminal doesn’t need to be boring. There are some things that you can do just for fun. 1. Change the PS1 root@ionutd:~# export PS1=” ” 2. The “sl” command Many linux guys, in a fast typing fever, are writing sl instead of ls Install the sl package from…
Cafea Papa Jacques
Într-o altă postare am adunat câteva sfaturi legate de cafea și aparate de cafea și promiteam că o să revin cu o recomandare de cafea bună. Here it is: Este o recomandare primită la rându-mi de la un coleg care pleacă cu aparatul de cafea după el în concediu. Un…
#3devineri – 19 noiembrie 2021
1. Un cal a petrecut într-un apartament cu prietenii săi oameni. 2. Cum dai foc la 3000 de euro de frica Covid. Ne învață o femeie din Israel. 3. România, țara care a inventat “ruleta premierească”